Site Rules
Spa guests must wear a wristband when using spa facilities. Please remember to return the wristband and locker key when you are leaving the venue.MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
Feel free to use any of the musical instruments that are on the shelves or placed around the fire, but not the ones in the drawers.GUEST BELONGINGS
In the interest of maintaining a safe environment for all guests, we ask for everyone on-site to take responsibility of their belongings. If you can’t keep your belongings with you all the time, we provide lockers where your valuables can be safely stored.BELONGINGS IN THE RESTAURANT AND PUBLIC SPACES
We like our site to remain an open space for people to have access to facilities. Please do not leave your belongings on chairs, stones, daybeds, or other furniture to “claim space” unless you are a Co-Working member at The Istana. If you would like to book tables in the restaurant, then please contact the front desk or our IG page @the_istana.CHILDREN
Children are allowed and welcomed at The Istana during morning sessions only. The site was designed for adults, not children.
To ensure child safety, they must be monitored by their parents at all times.
Please make sure all children are behaving in a way that is respectful to other guests.
Please do not walk through the meditation hall if there’s a group practice taking place.
When a group practice is occurring, please respect the participants and do not talk, or take photos close to the hall, and in the surrounding area.
We ask guests to not wear shoes in the meditation hall, please leave them in the racks provided.
Please do not remove any equipment from the meditation hall, including yoga mats, cushions, and straps.
Group practice and individual treatments can be performed on-site but only with the permission of the management. If you would like to arrange a practice session, please contact the management or our Instagram page @the_istana.
No consumption of outside food or drink are permitted on site.INTOXICANTS
No Alcohol, drugs, plant medicine, or smoking are permitted on site. Anyone found using any of these substances on site will be asked to leave.MOBILE PHONES AND CAMERA EQUIPMENT
Our site is primarily built for meditation and other practices. To help us achieve the highest level of guest comfort and pleasure, we ask all guests to be discreet with their phone and camera-phone usage. All mobile phones on-site have to be left at our reception on the arrival.
Cameras and photoshoots are not permitted on site without the approval of the management first. If you’d like to arrange a shoot, please arrange this with the front desk, or our Instagram page @the_istana.DRESS CODE
Out of respect for the local culture, all guests are asked to remain clothed whilst in public. Whilst using spa facilities, swimwear and sarongs are acceptable.VIOLENCE, ANTI-SOCIAL, & AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR
Violence, anti-social, and aggressive behaviour are prohibited on-site. Anyone behaving inappropriately will be asked to leave, and the local authorities will be informed.
Spa Rules
We are all interested in maintaining the most hygienic conditions on-site possible. All guests are expected to shower before using the spa facilities, and ESPECIALLY after using the saunas and then entering the plunge pools.TOWELS
Towels are provided on site, but please do not take them inside the Sound Dome Sauna. When you are finished with your towels, please put them in the towel bins provided near the changing roomTHE DOME
Sound Dome Sauna is designed for chanting, singing, and other musical activities, to enhance the experience of all guests, when entering the Dome feel free to join in, and please do your best to harmonise with the others inside.SAUNA DOORS
When entering/exiting the Dome or the Infra-Red Sauna, please ensure you close the doors behind you.
Cryotherapy Rules
Moving too quickly whilst inside the cryotherapy chamber, can produce mild burns on the skin, in the same way that wind chills do. Free feel to move whilst inside the chamber, but move slowly and gently.Likewise, moving between the chambers too quickly, can also not give the body enough time to adjust to the cold. This can produce the same symptoms as mentioned above.
Finally, rubbing your body with the gloves whilst inside the chamber, can produce friction burns, whilst you're exposed to the extreme cold.
Extremely low blood pressure is not a contraindication of cryotherapy, however, some people with low blood pressure do experience headaches because of the unfamiliar increase in blood flow that cryotherapy causes.
If you are prone to fainting spells, then there is a potential that you can be at risk at cryotherapy.
If you worry that this applies to you, please let the staff know beforehand, and make them aware of your condition.
Got any questions? Feel free to contact us, we’d be happy to help!